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Family/Systemic Constellations

There is no action more powerful than daring to know and love yourself.  

If you are unsure about what type of session would suit you best, I'm available for a free exploratory call.

Family/Systemic Constellations

This session is supportive if you have a theme that you would like to explore in a body-centered way.


This supports you to become more familiar with your body's way of communicating with you and build confidence in your own innate wisdom.


The intention is for us to explore organically without following a predetermined modality. Instead, we will spontaneously follow the flow of energy while having other modalities and resources at our fingertips should they feel supportive of the movement that is emerging.

BodyTalk helps re-establish communication between all the cells, tissues, organs, systems... within the body as well as integrate the physical with the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.


Issues that we experience on any level are subconsciously held in the body and play out in dynamics that could look like chronic illness, relationship patterns, false belief systems... Becoming aware of those energies brings the imbalances into consciousness and then makes way for other healthier possibilities to flow.  


Click here for more information about BodyTalk. 

Family/Systemic Constellations
Family/Systemic Constellations

Family or systemic constellations is a phenomenological experience that allows us to see unconscious energies and dynamics that impact our every day lives. This can be related to health, relationships, work, money, ability to manifest our goals, feeling stuck, recurring emotions, patterns of self-sabotage...


We explore the ways our issues may be entangled within greater family or collective themes. When we have exhausted conventional methods of healing and things still aren't changing, this can be incredibly helpful.

Our mainstream understanding of quantum science is catching up to Albert Einstein's assertion that matter is actually just energy.


The field of epigenetics has shown that unprocessed trauma in our parents and the generations before them, gets passed on to us through inheritance.


Rupert Sheldrake explains this in terms of a morphogenetic field that we are born into and subconsciously informs us about our family systems and where things are out of balance.


This shapes the roles we play and the strategies we develop to exist within our family systems. Viewing our lives through this lens of inter-connection allows us to acknowledge what indigenous cultures around the world have known for thousands of years, we do not feel, act, or behave as individuals - we are the product of our ancestors and the unconscious fields we are in relationship with.


Being able to see and feel the evidence of these connections allows something deep inside us to relax. We know things on a deep level but when modernity has trained us to disregard what we know, there is no way for our minds to make sense of life. This causes dis-ease.


Seeing deeper truths allows for there to be movement and flow so that you are freer to create what you have come to experience without entanglements from the past.

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